The Brilliant Idiots

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Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz are The Brilliant Idiots. Join them each week as they explore the issues of the day in a style that's often idiotic, sometimes brilliant and always hysterical.The Brilliant Idiots is a Loud Speakers Network…

Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz are The Brilliant Idiots. Join them each week as they explore the issues of the day in a style that's often idiotic, sometimes brilliant and always hysterical.

The Brilliant Idiots is a Loud Speakers Network production

Andrew Schulz@andrewschulzGuy Code, Jobs That Don't SuckAndrew Schulz is a standup comedian from NYC. He thinks bios are lame.

Andrew Schulz

Guy Code, Jobs That Don't Suck

Andrew Schulz is a standup comedian from NYC. He thinks bios are lame.

Charlamagne Tha God@cthagodBreakfast Club, Charlamagne & Friends, Guy CodeCalled "Hip-Hop's Howard Stern", Charlamagne is raw and unfiltered. His quick wits, brash opinions, and reputation for putting entertainers on the spot have made The Break…

Charlamagne Tha God

Breakfast Club, Charlamagne & Friends, Guy Code

Called "Hip-Hop's Howard Stern", Charlamagne is raw and unfiltered. His quick wits, brash opinions, and reputation for putting entertainers on the spot have made The Breakfast Club the top syndicated morning show in urban radio.

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